Ensure optimal performance in your server and mobile applications with our management and monitoring tools for software.

Mobile APM

The Cloudwise APM mobile module enhances app performance monitoring, leveraging data analysis and problem identification to improve user retention and minimise costs.

Streamline App Functions

Maximise User Retention

Respond immediately to app issues like crashes and Application Not Responding (ANRs), focusing on core users to prevent their loss due to app malfunctions.

Behavioural User Analysis

User behaviour data is used to identify and fix problematic actions, assess their impact, and resolve issues quickly.

Individual User Analysis

Track VIP user experiences on unstable pages to understand and optimise performance, improving user satisfaction.

Maintain App Network Health

Assess app network health and trace requests to seamlessly connect front-end experiences with back-end operations.

Optimise App Startup Functionality

Evaluate user app startup times, including first, hot, and cold starts.

Crash and ANR Optimisation

Detailed analysis of crash and ANR data to reconstruct issues for faster resolution and to identify underlying causes.

App Start Optimisation

Monitor app launch trends and specifics to enhance startup performance and track down issues with the device's operating system.

Systematically Monitor App Problems

Actively monitor app issues, statistical data analysis of crashes and ANRs, and examine specific problems in detail.

Enhance Error Analysis & Resolution

Track and examine HTTP and AJAX errors in-depth, pinpointing request details and response processes.

A Comprehensive Mobile App Management Solution

Network Analysis
Front-end Performance
Back-end Quality

See the Product in Action

Interested in a more personalised approach? Request a demo today and see how our Mobile APM platform can revolutionise your IT operations.

Essential Insights

Download our detailed white paper for an in-depth understanding of our Mobile APM platform's capabilities.

Hear From Our Clients

Cloudwise’s solutions helped the airline unify its operations, boost user engagement and develop over 200 customised solutions for its specific operational needs.

China Southern Airlines, one of China’s major airline groups, initiated an Operational Service Management Construction Project.

China Southern Airlines

Cloudwise’s solutions helped the company achieve unified monitoring of its IT infrastructure and employ code-level localisation and problem analysis.

Unisoc Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is a leading semiconductor company that provides critical microelectronic components for a wide range of electronic devices.

Unisoc Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

Cloudwise helped them incorporate the Wisebot, a smart dialogue GPT that users to resolve common IT issues. We also increased IT Efficiency and user satisfaction and improved service management visibility.

Zhejiang Youwu Information Technology developed a unique educational IT platform that supports schools in digital transformation.

Zhejiang Youwu Information Technology

Cloudwise supported it in establishing a unified monitoring index system, extending the monitoring scope across nodes, and reducing fault detection and resolution times by 60%.

State Grid EV Service Co., Ltd. is a leading provider in the Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV) sector.

State Grid EV Service Co., Ltd.

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