
The client is a national commercial chain group, with businesses covering interior design, decoration, home building materials sales, smart home, smart logistics, post-home decoration services, as well as department stores, shopping centres, and life supermarkets across various formats. The store network spans 29 provinces, autonomous regions, and 270 cities nationwide, with 393 open home furnishing malls. Its subsidiary, Wuhan Zhongshang, operates 7 modern department stores, 1 shopping centre, and 123 life supermarkets in the Hubei region.


  • Difficulty in Feedback: Lacking professional tools, feedback through DingTalk is not responded to in a timely manner.
  • Lack of Process Tracking: Unable to view the progress of reported issues and forced to passively wait for feedback.
  • No Knowledge Statistics: Knowledge is not summarised, users unable to conduct self-service inquiries, leading to repetitive ticket content.
  • Poor User Experience: Inability to tally tickets leaves managers unaware of user satisfaction.


  • Standardised Service Process: By streamlining the IT service process and implementing ITSM tools, the group’s business processes have been standardised.
  • Satisfaction Improvement: Establishing a self-help inquiry channel and satisfaction feedback channel optimised user experience by 65%+, reduced complaints by 50%+.