
China Mobile Online Service Co., Ltd. has established a multi-channel service system incorporating 10086 hotlines, SMS, WeChat, Weibo, and APP, making it the largest call centre globally, with 900 million users and 53 customer service centres, and more than 20,000 servers. There’s a substantial demand for an efficient, unified, and intelligent operations and maintenance platform.


  • System lags in the operator systems of certain provinces.
  • Difficulty in determining alarm indicators, affecting alarms’ accuracy and the alarm cycle management.


  • Improved Alarm Accuracy: By using dynamic thresholds and learning from interface performance, alarm accuracy has been enhanced, thereby boosting the ability to close the loop on operational event handling.
  • Alarm Compression: Achieved an ultra-high alarm compression ratio, making it feasible to push alarms to personnel and guide them in handling these alarms effectively.